Program configuration is made by using Aston Options
(Start>Aston Options, Ctrl+Alt+F12).
It's also possible to set up
each element by right-clicking on it and calling out its context menu.
! This program is used to configure
and fine-tune Aston, and to create/edit Themes.
In order to get more detailed information about Theme creation, texture formats, etc,
refer to our online tutorial.
Enables or disables the automatic start of programs from the Autorun (Start>Programs>Autorun) folder.
Permits or blocks programs from starting from the autorun sections of Windows registry.
Automatical load of shell objects can help to solve some problems which might occur at startup. You may also need to check this option if you don't see network connections in your Tray area.
Permits or blocks applications from starting from autorun Win.ini
Enable this option if you want to switch off transparensy completely. This is very convenient in case your video player (TV tuner, game) works incorrectly with transparency enabled.
When using multiple keyboard layouts (like both Russian and English), the keyboard indicator allows one to know what layout is being active at a certain moment. Disable this option if you're using third-party keyboard layout indicators.
This field provides the infor about your configuration files location.
TaskbarTaskbar scale value. Set
0 to disable Taskbar
1 to set it to the default size
2 to get double Taskbar
3 to get tripple Taskbar
Taskbar position: At the bottom, On top, On the left or On the right.
Taskbar height in pixels. This value is usually set when making a theme.
Icon offset for task buttons relative to the left edge of task buttons.
Enable this option to hide Taskbar automatically when not using it. This can be helpful when working on computers with small screen resolution.
Taskbar, set on top of all windows, will not be overlapped by them so you will always have access to it.
Smooth Taskbar sliding in/out with animation effects when AutoHide option is enabled.
When this option is enabled you can minimize/restore any window by clicking its Taskbar button.
When pointing a Taskbar button, hints (tooltips) will be displayed, even if the task name fully fits the button width.
Disabling Taskbar bevels can slightly improve its appearance.
This option lets you disable animation effects on windows' minimizing and restoring.
Locking the size of Taskbar gives you an opportunity to avoid changing its size by
! When necessary, you can adjust this
size by changing the corresponding parameter in Taskbar>Taskbar size.
Taskbar transparency level.
! Windows 2000/XP and above
Active task's texture and the color of the text, displayed on top of this texture.
Inactive (background) task's texture and the color of the text, displayed on top of
this texture.
Minimized task's texture and the color of the text, displayed on top of this
Empty Taskbar's texture (when it has no buttons on it) and the way of its
Tray area's texture and the way of its imposition.
Taskbar's default color of the text, used for areas, not covered with a texture.
! It is never displayed if a properly
impositioned texture is used.
Default color for the text, displayed on the Taskbar (only used for displaying "tips
of the day" from Tips.rc).
Default color for Tray areas, not covered with any texture.
! It is never displayed if a properly
impositioned texture is being used.
Font parameters, used for the text, displayed on the active Taskbar button's text
(usually a window title).
Font parameters, used for the text, displayed on an inactive Taskbar button's text
(usually a window title).
Font parameters, used for the text, displayed on a minimized Taskbar button's text
(usually a window title).
Font parameters, used for displaying "tips of the day".
Taskbar>Start ButtonStart button texture, displayed when the button is inactive.
Texture, displayed when the cursor is positioned above the Start button.
Texture, displayed when the Start button is pressed.
Taskbar>SystrayTray position on the Taskbar: Right (Bottom) or
Left (Top).
Size (in pixels) of icons, displayed in the System Tray. I.e. 16 corresponds to
16x16 pixel icons.
! With values, different from 8, 16,
24, 32 and 48 most applications' icons will be displayed distorted. 16 is the most
common recommended value.
Setup tray icons calls out a dialogue which lets you
point which icons are to be displayed when the Tray area is minimized/maximized.
! Aston System Tray area can be
minimized for rarely used icons not to be displayed 'till it is maximized.
If enabled, Tray is minimized after a period of time, set by the AutoHide delay value. It also maximizes when you move your pointer
over it.
Time (in seconds) passed from moving the cursor away from Aston icon in the Tray to
the Tray minimizing (if AutoHide option is turned on).
Enabling this option lets you minimize/maximize Tray area by clicking Aston button, located in the Tray area.
Enable this option to hide Aston button, located near the Tray area. This prevents
you from minimizing Tray by accident with the mouse click.
! When enabled, minimizing/maximizing
Tray is possible only with a key combination.
You can replace Aston button image with your own one. It will be displayed when the
Tray area is maximized.
You can replace Aston button image with your own one. It will be displayed when the Tray area is minimized.
Main menuIn this window you can set up the Start menu root elements. You can add/remove items, change their icons, names and other existing parameters. Place your cursor over any Toolbar button to learn its meaning.
Left (Right) toolbarToolbar setup dialog allows to easily customize Toolbars according to your needs.
Use the Toolbar to add/remove or modify elements. Place cursor over any item to learn
its meaning. You can also move the existing elements by means of Drag and Drop.
Toolbar items can be links to files, folders, URLs
and Toolbar plug-ins (with TBP extension). In
order to add a plug-in item you should create a new element with the following
By checking this box you can disable the Toolbar. Disabled Toolbar won't be
displayed on the screen and access to it will be blocked until you enable it again.
This option lets you automatically hide inactive Toolbar from the screen. It will
remain hidden untill you move your cursor to its position at the edge of the screen.
When checked, Toolbar is displayed on top of all windows. This option is especially
useful when AutoHide is set on.
With the help of this option you can enable or disable the Toolbar caption.
! Caption gives you an easy access to
Toolbar options (by means of popup menu), and clicking it minimizes/restores
When enabled, the screen area, taken by Toolbars, turns inaccessible for windows.
Use this option if you need constant access to your Toolbar items.
Enabling this option turns on smooth animation when showing/hiding Toolbars.
Texture, used for Toolbar elements.
Toolbar caption texture.
Width and Height (in
pixels) of a single Toolbar item.
Vertical Toolbar coordinate (in pixels). This value can be used for precise
positioning of Toobars.
Toolbar transparency level.
! Windows 2000/XP and above
This dialog allows you to precisely align Toolbar icons position for each of the
three levels, using simple visual interface. By pressing arrows you can move the icon one pixel in the needful direction and
X resets its position to the center of the image.
Clicked and highlighted icons' offset value indicates the
"depth" when you place your cursor over the button and press it.
! With Clicked
and highlighted icons' offset value set to zero, Toolbar icons will not be
displaced on clicking and hovering.
This window has a complete set of items, placed on your Aston Desktop (excluding
elements, created by plug-ins). With its help you can add new elements, change the
existing ones and also temporarily disable certain elements.
Place your pointer over any Toolbar item to learn more about its functions.
! By right-clicking your mouse you can
call out the context menu which allows you to create new elements of a certain type or
modify an existing element.
You can centrally control the blocking of all your Desktop items. In order to do it
you should select the range of elements (All elements,
Current Theme elements only or Excluding current Theme elements) and press the Lock button to block the selected group of elements or Unlock to release it.
! You may move locked items by holding
Shift while dragging them.
By enabling this option you make all iconlabels' background transparent (invisible),
which enhances overall look of your Desktop.
When enabled, you'll be able to activate your Desktop elements (icons) only by double-clicking them (otherwise - by a single click).
With highlighting enabled, objects will react on mouse pointer by changing their
appearance, which lets one easily distinguish them from background elements and
! Note, that with highlighting
disabled most elements won't change their
appearance on mouse over.
When Shadows option is enabled, icons will have shadows
which makes them look as if their label texts were three-dimensional.
This options lets you switch between the algorithm of shadow generation used in
Aston and in Windows XP. Generally Aston creates sharper shadows but you might prefer
the XP style.
! Windows XP only.
When enabled, cursor is displayed when objects are moved (otherwise only the object
itself is visible).
! While dragging objects, holding
Shift displays exact object's coordinates in pixels, which
might be useful for precise positioning.
Icons' displace threshold is a minimal distance (in
pixels) to displace cursor in order to move an object. Moving objects (with one's
mouse) for distances, less than the defined value, will be impossible.
! This option is used to prevent moving
unlocked icons by accident.
Click this button to add icons from Windows Explorer Desktop folder to Aston Desktop.
It's a good idea to use this option when you have a large number of icons on your Desktop. You can select one of these values:
Default properties of the font, used to display icon labels.
Color of the text, used for icon labels in their normal state.
Color of the text, used for icon labels when the icon is selected.
Color of the text, used for icon labels when you point the cursor over it.
Color of the shadows, drawn under the icon labels.
! Shadows are only visible if you enable them by checking the
Desktop>Settings>Shadows option.
This dialog allows you to define the background picture for Aston Desktop.
You can Add, Remove, preview and select any background from the list.
Size displays the exact resolution (in pixels) of the selected wallpaper.
Tile, Center and Stretch buttons help one to define the way Wallpaper is arranged on the Desktop.
Plug-insIn the plug-ins window one can see the complete list of installed plug-ins, get
access to their Properties and also dynamically turn them
on and off.
The Plug-in field displays the full path to the
installed module and also lets you dynamically turn it on and off (by clicking the
Module name and version.
Press this button to install a plug-in. Installed plug-in will be automatically
added to the list.
Removes a plug-in from the list and disables it.
Pressing the Properties button calls out the properties
dialog for the selected plug-in:
Calls out the plug-in setup dialog.
! This dialog is unique for each
Most actions within Aston can be done by means of hotkeys. Using them you can
greatly decrease the time taken by some operations.
! Hotkeys, defined in this dialog, are
global, i.e. let you perfrom certain actions no matter what task is being active
In order to avoid conflicts with some third-party applications we don't recommend using
common key combinations like Ctrl+S, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+P
etc. In order to get the complete list of commonly used hotkeys, please, refer to
Windows documentations and other
Outwardly this dialog is similar to the plug-in setup dialog. You'll also have to
deal with a list of items, and each of its elements can be turned on and off at any
Key combinations, defined to perform certain actions. You can switch them on and off
by means of checkboxes.
Description of the action, run by this hotkey.
Registration of a new action, performed with a hotkey:
! You can select one of the following key combinations when defining hotkeys: Ctrl+[key], Alt+[key], Ctrl+Alt+[key], Ctrl+Shift+[key], Alt+Shift+[key], Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[key], and also Win+[key] and any combination of Win with Ctrl, Alt, Shift. Setting [key] or Shift+[key] sequences as hotkeys is impossible (as it will most probably cause conflicts with other applications).
Deleting the action, started by a hotkey.
Selected action's properties. The configuration dialog is identical to the one, which appears on pressing the Add button.
OtherToolbar emerging delay:
Displays tooltips when pointing the Toolbar icon with the mouse.
Displays popup warnings when it's impossible to start certain autorun items.
Disables Win and Ctrl+Esc
(the analogue of Win for calling the Start menu) keys in
Windows ME/NT/2000/XP/2003.
! This option doesn't work in Windows
Enables support for multimedia keyboards in Aston.
! In order for this option to work
correctly, make sure you have a keyboard Driver
installed and it works
Choose, which options are to be displayed in a popup menu, which appears when you click Aston icon in Tray area:
Press to edit Tips.rc file, which contains "Tips of the day".
AboutDisplays the list of the program's authors on top of the firework effect. Here you can also find the exact version number and your registration name.
Home page...Link to Aston homepage.
Help...Displays this help file.